

If you have any questions, suggestions, or requests about product reviews, please email me at

Instagram: @emmaclarem


  1. Hey, any chance you could do a post on cuticle care? Yours always seem so nice and perfect in pics and I try reshaping mine every other day, but they just go back to their misshapen mess.

  2. Could you please join Bloglovin'? I love your blog but I always forget to check it separate of my Bloglovin feed, so it seems like I only come here once every few months, but I check Bloglovin a couple times a day.

  3. I really enjoy your blog! You're so fresh with your posts, it's really nice to see! I'd love to see you do more photo shoots with your sister! The posts you did with the "artsy" photos were a really nice change! Maybe if you did one every few weeks or something, it could become a date! Same idea as Castle Mani Mondays!

  4. Hi Emma! Just wanted to say that I've nominated you for the Sunshine Award! Just a fun thing to do to spread some love. Check it out if you feel like it! :D
    xoxo /Bella Seizethenail

  5. Hi Emma - love your blog. Wanted to ask if you could let me know how you take your pictures of your nails? They look so professional? Thanks in advance :) lindsaydoesnails

    1. Hi Lindsay! I use my Canon Rebel t3 camera on aperture priority mode with it set to f/7; I take them under a normal desk lamp, but I've switched out the original bulb for a daylight bulb. Sometimes I'll use my homemade light box too, if I want to minimize glare for glitters or nail art. Hope that helps! :)

  6. Dominic's sections!!

  7. love your work! I was wondering if you could suggest a nail hardener? My nails are extremely flexible and brittle and I'd love to have long, strong nails like yours!

  8. Thank you for sharing an interesting and very useful article. And let me share an article about health here I believe this is useful. Thank you :)

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