Thursday, September 10, 2015

JORD Wood Watches Review

Hello all! Something a bit different today, and *surprise* it's actually some newly created content.  I received this lovely wood watch from JORD a couple weeks ago, and have put together a neat little photo spread to show it off.  I'd forgotten how much I love doing things like this; here we go! 

JORD Wood Watch: Fieldcrest in Zebrawood & Maple
The model I got was the Fieldcrest in Zebrawood & Maple.  The packaging presentation was absolutely beautiful, as you can see below.  

JORD Wood Watch: Fieldcrest in Zebrawood & Maple
It came in a wooden box with the JORD logo on the top.  Underneath the cushion holding the watch, there was a cleaning cloth, a warranty card, and a few extra links.  

JORD Wood Watch: Fieldcrest in Zebrawood & Maple
Inspired by the natural simplicity and elegance of the watch, I painted my nails in two coats of the earthy but rich LaCC 1981, and added a row of gold loose glitter along the base of each nail.  Topped off with one coat of Seche Vite, as always.  

JORD Wood Watch: Fieldcrest in Zebrawood & Maple
JORD Wood Watch: Fieldcrest in Zebrawood & Maple
Of course I was delighted to find that the watch fit perfectly.  In terms of size, it's a bit on the chunky side for a women's watch.  I personally prefer larger watches, so this was absolutely perfect for me.  However, if you're one who prefers smaller, more streamlined watches, this particular model may not be for you.  (I actually only own one other watch, and it's even larger than this one.) Luckily they have got quite a good selection of models, so I'm sure there's something for everybody. 

JORD Wood Watch: Fieldcrest in Zebrawood & Maple
I've been wearing it around quite a bit over the past couple weeks, and have gotten a few compliments on it which is always lovely.  It is quite a unique piece, and I'm glad to have added it to my wardrobe! They are a bit on the pricier side (for a young professional artist like me who doesn't get paid very much) but if you're looking to treat yourself, this is definitely an awesome piece. 

JORD Wood Watch: Fieldcrest in Zebrawood & Maple
This watch retails for $120 USD, or £77 GBP at the current exchange rate.  You can find this specific model here, and also browse the rest of the JORD watches collection

Disclaimer: The products in this post were provided in return for my honest opinion. 
Wooden Watch Review



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